By SARAH HURLEY, DPT Pickleball has been reported as one of the fastest-growing sports among the adult population in recent years. Whether its popularity stems from the exercise it offers, its resemblance to tennis, or the camaraderie it fosters during matches, many...
Rye Physical Therapy is now open!
We are very excited to announce the opening of Rye Physical Therapy! For years, many of our Hampton Physcial Therapy Rye patients have asked us to bring our services closer to make their rehab care more convenient. So, when we saw the opportunity to open at this...
Rotator Cuff Surgery: What to Expect…
By KATHERINE THIBAULT, DPT Do you have pain in your shoulder and have no idea what could be causing it? Shoulder pain is actually one of the most common reasons people seek out physical therapy. Often times, the rotator cuff is the culprit. The rotator cuff is a group...
Manipulating Lower Extremities Helps Reduce Walking Pain
BY Dylan Chisholm, PT, DPT, cert. DN, cert. VRS Many people will attain medical professionals, including physical therapists, for spinal manipulations for their acute or chronic lower back, neck or mid back pain in hopes of alleviating their ongoing pain or related...
Posture: Why it’s So Important and Tips to Improve It!
by Dr. Katherine Thibault, DPT Proper posture is something most of us struggle with. For as long as I can remember, my mom used to frequently remind me to stand up straight with my shoulders back. As a kid I never understood the importance of good posture. However,...
Which to choose? Medicare Advantage or Medigap?
by KATE SERODIO, DPT It is that time of year again; time to pick your Health insurance plan! The question is, will you opt to stick with your Medicare and Medigap (supplemental Medicare plan that fills in the 'gaps') or change to a Medicare Advantage Plan. The first...
Physical Therapy Helps People with Post Covid-19 Long-Term Effects
BY JESSICA LEBERMAN, DPT The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced the world to the importance of prevention. Mask wearing, social distancing and quarantining have become household norms. Despite efforts, in the United States nearly 30 million people have contracted the...
MASKS: Another Hurdle for Businesses to Overcome During Covid-19
By KATE SERODIO, DPT – Owner/Physical Therapist Rye Physical Therapy & Rezilient No one is spared personal hardships during this difficult pandemic. From the fear of contracting the virus to the tough convalescence of those who do, not to mention the devastation...
HPT Helps ~ Donate Food or Take What You Need!
Friends & Patients, We realize there are some of you who are out of work and perhaps in need of some help. And there are some of you who are still working who might like to help others during this difficult time. Both Rye Physical Therapy locations (Seabrook...
Direct Access ~ Take Charge of Your Healing!
by LISA WHELDON As a physical therapist I frequently get asked by people that are dealing with an injury, “well how do I get an appointment with you, do I need a prescription or a referral?”. The world of insurance can be a very confusing thing for the consumer. At...
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Rye Clinic
Mon-Fri: 7am – 6pm - Saturday & Sunday – Closed