by Dr. Katherine Thibault, DPT Proper posture is something most of us struggle with. For as long as I can remember, my mom used to frequently remind me to stand up straight with my shoulders back. As a kid I never understood the importance of good posture. However,...
Back Pain and Sciatica
Spinal Stenosis – What is it and What can I do about it?
By NICOLE CARVILLE, DPT – Rye Physical Therapy South Spinal stenosis is an extremely common diagnosis that I see patients with daily as a Physical Therapist. Some patients present with x-ray or MRI findings diagnosing “lumbar spinal stenosis” at a certain spinal...
Scoliosis – How Physical Therapy Plays an Important Role
By LISA WHELDON, DPT If your child gets diagnosed with scoliosis you may be a bit taken aback. It can be unsettling to get a medical diagnosis with little explanation of what it is or how it can be treated. Scoliosis means that there is a change to the “normal” shape...
Osteoporosis: Physical Therapy Can Help Prevent or Erase Bone Loss
BY NICOLE CARVILLE, DPT When I meet a new patient as a Physical Therapist, I sit down, start their evaluation by asking about their current condition. Then I review their medical history and medications before we get started. It is important to me to get a solid...
I have a painful neck and back, should I see a Physical Therapist or go to a chiropractor?
By DYLAN CHISHOLM, DPT Many people at some point in their lifetime will encounter a situation where they experience neck or low back pain. Neck and low back pain can significantly impact quality of life and make activities that were once enjoyable debilitating and...
Go-to Sleep Positions… How to Combat Injuries While Sleeping
Adjust Your Sleep Position For Better Quality Sleep & Life By Kate Dulac Serodio, DPT, OCS As a Physical Therapist, I see a lot of sleeping injuries. Sleeping injuries? Yes, literally sleeping injuries! Injuries that occur while you’re sound asleep or are a result...
Sitting for long periods of time during Covid-19?
by KATE SERODIO, DPT Does Pre-Covid-19 seem like forever ago? We’re now in week 4 and many of us are feeling like it’s been an eternity. We no longer have our luxury at work desks, chairs, and routines. But instead we’re left in our personal homes with our new work...
Low Back Pain and Imaging Explained
By Jess Leberman, DPT – Hampton Clinic ~ Low back pain (LBP) is a significant condition in the general population making it the leading cause of daily activity and work related limitations and absences. It is estimated the lifetime prevalence of non-specific low back...
Sciatica Pain – Causes and Remedies
by Katherine Younes, PT, DPT- Rye Physical Therapy – Hampton, NH Clinic Do you have a nagging pain that radiates down the back of your leg? These are the symptoms that everyone refers to as “sciatica”. Did you know that these symptoms can be a pain pattern referral...
Proper Lifting Technique: Low Back Injury Prevention
By Kristin Keafer, DPT, Hampton Clinic The prevalence of low back pain across America and the entire world is growing out of control. A recent survey taken by the APTA (American Physical Therapy Association) reports that nearly two thirds of Americans experience low...
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Mon-Fri: 7am – 6pm - Saturday & Sunday – Closed