We are very excited to announce the opening of Rye Physical Therapy! For years, many of our Hampton Physcial Therapy Rye patients have asked us to bring our services closer to make their rehab care more convenient. So, when we saw the opportunity to open at this...
Rotator Cuff Surgery: What to Expect…
By KATHERINE THIBAULT, DPT Do you have pain in your shoulder and have no idea what could be causing it? Shoulder pain is actually one of the most common reasons people seek out physical therapy. Often times, the rotator cuff is the culprit. The rotator cuff is a group...
Best Stretches for Swimmers
By KATHERINE YOUNES, DPT Rye PT A great way to cool off and get some exercise this summer is to jump in a pool or lake. Swimming is a well-rounded workout with many great benefits including improving endurance, burning calories, and is a low impact workout which...
Manipulating Lower Extremities Helps Reduce Walking Pain
BY Dylan Chisholm, PT, DPT, cert. DN, cert. VRS Many people will attain medical professionals, including physical therapists, for spinal manipulations for their acute or chronic lower back, neck or mid back pain in hopes of alleviating their ongoing pain or related...
Posture: Why it’s So Important and Tips to Improve It!
by Dr. Katherine Thibault, DPT Proper posture is something most of us struggle with. For as long as I can remember, my mom used to frequently remind me to stand up straight with my shoulders back. As a kid I never understood the importance of good posture. However,...
Spring Cleaning: Taking Care to Prevent or Address Elbow Injury
A breakdown of a potential injury that can occur in your elbow that can easily become debilitating if not addressed early. By Michael Brezak, PT, DPT Winter may be finally coming to an end with the appearance of grass and increase in wet puddles in the road and yard....
Spinal Stenosis – What is it and What can I do about it?
By NICOLE CARVILLE, DPT – Rye Physical Therapy South Spinal stenosis is an extremely common diagnosis that I see patients with daily as a Physical Therapist. Some patients present with x-ray or MRI findings diagnosing “lumbar spinal stenosis” at a certain spinal...
Manual Therapy Arm Care- A Missing Link in the Youth Baseball Athlete!
By Kate Dulac Serodio, DPT, OCS Recently Powerhouse Sports reached out asking Rye Physical Therapy to partner with them in caring for their athletes. They have a great Baseball/All athlete training program and work hard to provide the best care for their athletes. ...
Hiking and Knee Pain ~ How PT Can Help
By Nicole Carville, PT, DPT We are getting close to that time of the year where the nights get colder, the leaves start changing color and pumpkin is everywhere! Right around this time of year, a lot of us also decide to lace up our dusty hiking boots and head to the...
Shoulder Health for the Surfer
BY DYLAN CHISHOLM, DPT As swell season is here for the avid surfer of the Northeast. We want to help make sure the biggest pain you have is getting in and out of the 6mm wetsuit and not your shoulders. Due to the nature of the sport, surfing requires extensive strain...
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Rye Clinic
Mon-Fri: 7am – 6pm - Saturday & Sunday – Closed