BY Dylan Chisholm, PT, DPT, cert. DN, cert. VRS Many people will attain medical professionals, including physical therapists, for spinal manipulations for their acute or chronic lower back, neck or mid back pain in hopes of alleviating their ongoing pain or related...
Hip and Knee Pain
Hiking and Knee Pain ~ How PT Can Help
By Nicole Carville, PT, DPT We are getting close to that time of the year where the nights get colder, the leaves start changing color and pumpkin is everywhere! Right around this time of year, a lot of us also decide to lace up our dusty hiking boots and head to the...
Needing a Knee Replacement? What to expect…
by KRISTIN KEAFER DPT, Rye Physical Therapy Osteoarthritis is a degenerative process over time where the cartilage at the ends of your bones starts to “wear and tear”. Many different joints throughout your body may be affected with age related changes and the knee...
Knee Pain in the Adolescent Athlete
by Jessica Leberman, DPT - Hampton NH Clinic Young athletes may have had an increase in complaints of knee pain this past winter after playing on harder indoor courts. Adolescent athletes are among those most frequently plagued by knee injuries. Knee pain and clicking...
Iliotibial (IT) Band Syndrome in Runners
by Katherine Younes, DPT – Hampton Clinic As the fall approaches, many of you may be signing up for a 5k, 10k, or you may be an everyday runner. As many of you know, with running may come aches and pains. The most common overuse injury in runners is Iliotibial Band...
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Mon-Fri: 7am – 6pm - Saturday & Sunday – Closed