BY Dylan Chisholm, PT, DPT, cert. DN, cert. VRS Many people will attain medical professionals, including physical therapists, for spinal manipulations for their acute or chronic lower back, neck or mid back pain in hopes of alleviating their ongoing pain or related...
Foot and Ankle Pain
Are Shin Splints Wrecking Your Run?
Physical Therapy Can Help! By Jessica Leberman, DPT – Hampton Clinic Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) more commonly referred to as “shin splints” is an injury of the lower leg that primary occurs in the exercising population1. MTSS makes up to 16% of injuries that...
Ankle Sprains: How Physical Therapy Can Help!
by Kristin Keafer DeRousse, PT, DPT Ankle sprains are one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries. Often times this injury is brushed aside as “I just rolled my ankle and it’s sore” and unfortunately goes untreated. How many people do you know that have “rolled”...
Plantar Fasciitis Are You at Risk?
by Kate Serodio, DPT, HamptonPT Check all that Apply: · Do you have high or low arches? ___ · Are you between 40-60 yrs. old? ____ · Do you run long distances, downhill or on uneven surfaces? ___ · Are you overweight or have you suddenly gained weight recently?...
What Brand of Footwear is best?
by Kate Serodio, DPT Owner/Physical Therapist On a daily basis I am asked “what brand of footwear is best” should I be buying New Balance or Nike? Or maybe Asics? Or how about those Sketchers that have a rounded bottom? I wish it was that simple but like most things...
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