By Kate Dulac Serodio, DPT, OCS Recently Powerhouse Sports reached out asking Rye Physical Therapy to partner with them in caring for their athletes. They have a great Baseball/All athlete training program and work hard to provide the best care for their athletes. ...
Hiking and Knee Pain ~ How PT Can Help
By Nicole Carville, PT, DPT We are getting close to that time of the year where the nights get colder, the leaves start changing color and pumpkin is everywhere! Right around this time of year, a lot of us also decide to lace up our dusty hiking boots and head to the...
Shoulder Health for the Surfer
BY DYLAN CHISHOLM, DPT As swell season is here for the avid surfer of the Northeast. We want to help make sure the biggest pain you have is getting in and out of the 6mm wetsuit and not your shoulders. Due to the nature of the sport, surfing requires extensive strain...
Scoliosis – How Physical Therapy Plays an Important Role
By LISA WHELDON, DPT If your child gets diagnosed with scoliosis you may be a bit taken aback. It can be unsettling to get a medical diagnosis with little explanation of what it is or how it can be treated. Scoliosis means that there is a change to the “normal” shape...
Osteoporosis: Physical Therapy Can Help Prevent or Erase Bone Loss
BY NICOLE CARVILLE, DPT When I meet a new patient as a Physical Therapist, I sit down, start their evaluation by asking about their current condition. Then I review their medical history and medications before we get started. It is important to me to get a solid...
Physical Therapy Helps People with Post Covid-19 Long-Term Effects
BY JESSICA LEBERMAN, DPT The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced the world to the importance of prevention. Mask wearing, social distancing and quarantining have become household norms. Despite efforts, in the United States nearly 30 million people have contracted the...
Staying Flexible Through Puberty
BY KATE SERODIO, DPT Most of us remember the years of our youth as being very physically flexible. Many of us could do splits, do a perfect backbend, and some of us could even look like a human pretzel. On the other hand, some of us report that we could barely touch...
I have a painful neck and back, should I see a Physical Therapist or go to a chiropractor?
By DYLAN CHISHOLM, DPT Many people at some point in their lifetime will encounter a situation where they experience neck or low back pain. Neck and low back pain can significantly impact quality of life and make activities that were once enjoyable debilitating and...
Go-to Sleep Positions… How to Combat Injuries While Sleeping
Adjust Your Sleep Position For Better Quality Sleep & Life By Kate Dulac Serodio, DPT, OCS As a Physical Therapist, I see a lot of sleeping injuries. Sleeping injuries? Yes, literally sleeping injuries! Injuries that occur while you’re sound asleep or are a result...
MASKS: Another Hurdle for Businesses to Overcome During Covid-19
By KATE SERODIO, DPT – Owner/Physical Therapist Rye Physical Therapy & Rezilient No one is spared personal hardships during this difficult pandemic. From the fear of contracting the virus to the tough convalescence of those who do, not to mention the devastation...
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Rye Clinic
Mon-Fri: 7am – 6pm - Saturday & Sunday – Closed